Harrells | Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide 2.5 gal (NY Spot treatment) (2024)

Available Sizes

"); for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { $("#linkedItems").append( "

" + //"

" + "

" + //the below make the item a link to the different sized item - asked to be removed for now //"

" + response[i].ItemNmbr + "

" + "

" + response[i].ItemNmbr + "

" + "

" + response[i].SellUofM + "

" + "

" + "

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" + // "

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" + // "

" + // "

" + webName + "

" // } // if (response[0].RelatedItem3 != "") { // itemsToShow = true; // var itemNmbr = response[0].RelatedItem3.substr(0, response[0].RelatedItem3.indexOf('~') - 1); // var webName = response[0].RelatedItem3.substr(response[0].RelatedItem3.indexOf('~') + 2); // imagePathPrefix = "../images/Product-Photos/" + itemNmbr; // emplContent += "

" + // "

" + // "

" + webName + "

" // } // if (response[0].RelatedItem4 != "") { // itemsToShow = true; // var itemNmbr = response[0].RelatedItem4.substr(0, response[0].RelatedItem4.indexOf('~') - 1); // var webName = response[0].RelatedItem4.substr(response[0].RelatedItem4.indexOf('~') + 2); // imagePathPrefix = "../images/Product-Photos/" + itemNmbr; // emplContent += "

" + // "

" + // "

" + webName + "

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" + "

" + response[i].Comment + "

" + "

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Your item (" + $(".webName")[0].innerText + ") is already in your cart."); $("#genericPopupMessage").slideDown() setTimeout(function () { //hide the message after two and a half seconds $("#genericPopupMessage").slideUp() }, 4000) } else { //get the uom from the uom button that is active uofToUse = "" for (var i = 0; i < $(".uomBtn").length; i++) { if ($(".uomBtn")[i].classList.value.indexOf('btn-dark') > -1) { uofToUse = $(".uomBtn")[i].innerHTML.toString().trim(); } } if (sessionStorage.EOPMode == "true") { //adjust the qty avail for this item since the depleted some by adding some to the cart QtyByItemArray2 = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.QtyByItem); var QtyByItemArrayNew = []; for (var i = 0; i < QtyByItemArray2.length; i++) { if (sessionStorage.itemNmbr == QtyByItemArray2[i].itemNmbr) { QtyByItemArrayNew.push({ itemNmbr: QtyByItemArray2[i].itemNmbr, qtyAvail: parseFloat(QtyByItemArray2[i].qtyAvail) - parseFloat($("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val()) }) //set the counter on the screen to the currect number $("#maxQtyAvailableToOrder").text(parseFloat($("#maxQtyAvailableToOrder").text()) - parseFloat($("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val())); } else { QtyByItemArrayNew.push({ itemNmbr: QtyByItemArray2[i].itemNmbr, qtyAvail: QtyByItemArray2[i].qtyAvail }) } } //update the ShoppingCart array object in sessionstorage sessionStorage.setItem("QtyByItem", JSON.stringify(QtyByItemArrayNew)) } //get the existing ShoppingCart array object in sessionstorage ShoppingCart = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("ShoppingCart") || "[]"); var lineId = parseInt(ShoppingCart.length) + 1; var zzItemToUse = (sessionStorage.EOPMode == "true") ? sessionStorage.zzItemNmbr : ''; //add this one to it if ($(".shop-single-item-price").text() == "") { $(".shop-single-item-price").text("0.00"); } ShoppingCart.push({ lineId: lineId, itemNmbr: $(".itemNmbr").text(), qty: $("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val(), priceEach: $(".shop-single-item-price").text(), webName: $(".webName")[0].innerText + " (" + uofToUse + ") ", vendor: $(".shop-single-item-vendor").text(), agency: $(".shop-single-item-agency").text(), boClass: $("#boClass").text(), cost: $("#cost").text(), uom: uofToUse, zzItemNmbr: zzItemToUse }) //update the ShoppingCart array object in sessionstorage sessionStorage.setItem("ShoppingCart", JSON.stringify(ShoppingCart)) //add/update order draft AddUpdateOrderDraft('dnc', 'dnc', 'dnc', 'draft'); $("#cartCounter").text(ShoppingCart.length) //let customer know the item was added to cart $("#genericPopupMessage").html("Success! Your item (" + $(".webName")[0].innerText + ") has been added to your cart."); $("#genericPopupMessage").slideDown() setTimeout(function () { //hide the message after two and a half seconds $("#genericPopupMessage").slideUp() }, 4000) } } function GoToPartnerProducts() { if (sessionStorage.EOPMode == "true") { window.location = location.origin + "/Products/ProductEOP?partner=" + sessionStorage.MyHarSelectedCustomer; } else { if (sessionStorage.PartnerSalesPersonId != undefined && sessionStorage.PartnerSalesPersonId != 0) window.location = location.origin + "/Products/ProductPartner?partner=" + sessionStorage.MyHarSelectedCustomer + "~" + sessionStorage.PartnerSalesPersonId; else window.location = location.origin + "/Products/ProductPartner?partner=" + sessionStorage.MyHarSelectedCustomer; } } function GoToItem(itemToGoTo) { sessionStorage.itemNmbr = itemToGoTo; window.location = location.origin + "/products/productdetail?sku=" + itemToGoTo; } function UOMChange(newItemInfo) { itemNumberOfSelectedUOM = newItemInfo.substr(0, newItemInfo.indexOf("~")); sellCost = newItemInfo.substr(newItemInfo.indexOf("~") + 1) //reset all buttons to not selected $(".uomBtn").removeClass('btn-dark').addClass('btn-outline-dark'); //select the button of the new item $("[id='" + itemNumberOfSelectedUOM + "']").removeClass('btn-outline-dark').addClass('btn-dark') //update session storage with the newly selected item sessionStorage.itemNmbr = itemNumberOfSelectedUOM; //change the description of the labels that matter $(".itemNmbr").text(itemNumberOfSelectedUOM); $(".shop-single-item-price").text(sellCost) //sessionStorage.itemNmbr = itemToGoTo; //window.location = location.origin + "/products/productdetail?sku=" + itemToGoTo; } function SubtractFromQuantity() { if (parseInt($("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val()) > 1) $("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val(parseInt($("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val()) - 1); } function AddToQuantity() { //if ($(".maxQtyAvailableToOrderContainer").css('display') != "none") { if (sessionStorage.EOPMode == "true") { if (parseFloat($("#maxQtyAvailableToOrder").text()) <= parseFloat($("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val())) { return false } else { $("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val(parseInt($("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val()) + 1); } } else { $("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val(parseInt($("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val()) + 1); } } $("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").on('blur', function () { if (parseFloat($("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val()) < 1) { $("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val(1); $("#genericPopupMessage").html("Invalid Quantity! The minimum quanty allowed is 1. Your entry has been adjusted."); $("#genericPopupMessage").slideDown() setTimeout(function () { //hide the message after two and a half seconds $("#genericPopupMessage").slideUp() }, 4000) } else { //if the quantity restriction is in effect and the user keys in a number greater than the allowed max reset the input to the max //if ($(".maxQtyAvailableToOrderContainer").css('display') != "none") { if (sessionStorage.EOPMode == "true") { if (parseFloat($("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val()) > parseFloat($("#maxQtyAvailableToOrder").text())) { $("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").val($("#maxQtyAvailableToOrder").text()) } } } } ) $("#cartQuantityOnDetailPage").on('keypress', function (e) { if (e.which == 43 || e.which == 45) { return false; } }) function ToggleMyHarrellsMenu() { if ($('#expandedMenu').attr('style') == undefined || $('#expandedMenu').attr('style').substr(0, 12) == 'display:none') { $('#expandedMenu').attr('style', 'display:block !important'); $("#productDetailMainWrapper").css('margin-top', $("#navSection").height() - 80) } else { $('#expandedMenu').attr('style', 'display:none'); $("#productDetailMainWrapper").css('margin-top', $("#navSection").height() - 80) } } function DisplayFileChoice(url) { //alert($(window).width()) var iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream; //alert("is Apple product: " + iOS) if ($(window).width() < 500 && iOS == true) { //does not open a seperate window window.location.href = url; } else { var d = new Date(); var n = d.getTime(); var windowName = "pdfWindow" + n; //chrome browser issue with window.open requires window be open and then location set in 2 actions or it does not work - you cant just do window.open and pass in url in one shot var myWindow = window.open("", windowName); //unique window names for multiple windows open at the same time myWindow.location.href = url; } } function DisplaySearchPage(searchTerm) { if (searchTerm == "") { location.href = "/Tools/Search/?term=" + $("#SiteQuickSearchDDInputControl").val() } else location.href = "/Tools/Search/?term=" + decodeURI(searchTerm) } function GetSiteQuickSearchDDMasterList() { selectedSiteQuickSearchDDLIIndex = 0; //if (sessionStorage.SiteQuickSearchDDPagingStart == 0) { // $("#SiteQuickSearchDDULControl").empty(); //} //var criteria = GetItemPricingCriteria(); //criteria.SearchKey = $("#SiteQuickSearchDDInputControl").val().trim().replace("'", "''").replace("`", "''"); //criteria.PagingStart = parseInt(sessionStorage.SiteQuickSearchDDPagingStart); var productHTML = "Products"; var sdsHTML = "SDS"; var labelHTML = "Label"; var employeeHTML = "Employees"; var blogHTML = "Blog Posts"; var pagesHTML = "Pages"; var educationHTML = "Education Pages"; var invoiceHTML = "Invoices"; $.ajax({ type: "Post", url: "/api/Tools", data: JSON.stringify({ RequestType: "GetSiteSearch", SearchTerm: $("#SiteQuickSearchDDInputControl").val().trim().replace("'", "''").replace("`", "''") }), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (response) { $("#SiteQuickSearchDDULControl").empty(); for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { //encoding all special characters and doing a string custInforeplace on single quotes if (response[i].SearchResultType == 'p') { productHTML += "

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    Harrells | Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide 2.5 gal (NY Spot treatment) (2024)


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    Article information

    Author: Ouida Strosin DO

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6100

    Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

    Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Ouida Strosin DO

    Birthday: 1995-04-27

    Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

    Phone: +8561498978366

    Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

    Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

    Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.